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Creating a Daily Routine that Works for You as a Spoonie

Creating a daily routine that works for you as a spoonie can be a challenging task. Spoonies, also known as people with chronic illnesses, often experience fluctuating symptoms that can make it difficult to stick to a regular routine. However, having a structured schedule can provide a sense of control and predictability, which can be beneficial for managing chronic illness.

  1. Start by identifying your priorities. What are the most important tasks or activities that you need to do each day? These might include taking medication, getting enough rest, or managing pain. Make a list of these priorities and use it as a guide for creating your daily routine.

  2. Be realistic about what you can accomplish each day. Spoonies often have to make adjustments to their routines due to fluctuating symptoms. It's important to be flexible and adjust your schedule as needed. Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself, as this can lead to feelings of failure and frustration.

  3. Incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine. This can include things like stretching, meditation, journaling, or spending time outdoors. These activities can help you manage stress and improve overall well-being. We like to refer to our “Replenish Spoons” infographic for some inspiration on activities around self-care.

  4. Use an app like Spoonie Day (link) or a planner to keep track of your daily routine. This can be helpful in staying organized and making sure that you don't miss any important appointments or tasks.

  5. Communicate with your loved ones about your needs. It's important to involve your family and friends in your daily routine, as they can provide support and understanding. Be open about your limitations and let them know how they can help.

  6. Make time for leisure activities that you enjoy. This can help to take your mind off of your illness and provide a sense of normalcy in your life.

  7. Seek professional help if needed, such as a therapist or counselor. They can provide support and guidance to help you manage the emotional and psychological aspects of living with a chronic illness.

In summary, creating a daily routine that works for you as a spoonie requires a balance of flexibility and structure. Prioritize your needs, be realistic about what you can accomplish, incorporate self-care activities, and communicate with loved ones. Seek professional help if needed. Remember that your routine may need to change as your symptoms fluctuate, and that's ok. Take it one day at a time.


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